Painting “En Plein Air”

scan0045Plein Air Painting is painting outdoors the environment in your view. I enjoy painting outdoors whenever I can and yesterday was one of those rare days. I went to Marsh & Sons pumpkin patch in Half Moon Bay for a class with Kristen Olson Stone. It was a beautiful, warm day with an abundance of subject to paint. I chose to paint an overall view of the pumpkin patch. This particular day, a photographer from the SJ Mercury News was there to capture other images. To see the slideshow click here.

If you are going to try outdoor painting keep the following things in mind:

1) Make your supplies portable. If you can keep everything in a back pack or pull cart, you can go just about anywhere.

2) Sunscreen, hat, jacket, water. If you are out painting for several hours, prepare yourself for changes in the weather.

3) Find a buddy. Painting is more fun with a group, but it is also safer. If you are painting vast, lonely landscapes, you don’t want to be alone if you trip and fall, run out of gas, or get lost.

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